2024 Primetime Summer Vacation Guidelines
OSUNO/OSUWMC Joint Vacation Task Force: Guidance on Primetime Summer (05/01-09/30) Vacation Request Process Page 1 of 2 Vac Task Force Approval: 11/6/2023 These guidelines are intended to provide clarity and certainty for nurses and managers on the steps to take when requesting and approving Primetime Summer Vacation in accordance with Article 20 Sec 5A of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
2025 Non Primetime Vacation Request Guidelines
This statement is intended to provide clarity and certainty for nurses and managers on requesting and approving Vacation time outside of primetime in accordance with Article 20 Section 5.
Guidance for Restoring Lost Vacation Hours
This document is was created by the joint labor-management Scheduling Task Force to provide clarity and certainty in the process for restoring lost vacation hours.