General Scheduling

Floating Guidelines when it is necessary to float

This statement is intended to provide clarity and certainty for nursing supervisors, nurses and managers in who floats first regarding the order of floating excess staff.

Guidelines on IP Cancellation and Associated Pay

OSUNO/OSUWMC: Guidelines on Associated Pay when there is Cancellation of Schedule Build Incentive Pay (SBIP) and In the Moment Incentive Pay (ITMIP). This statement is intended to provide clarity and certainty for nursing supervisors, nurses, AA’s and managers when incentive pay is cancelled and the appropriate pay a nurse shall receive.

Procedural Clinic Closer Guidelines

OSUNO/OSUWMC Joint Scheduling Task Force: This statement is intended to provide clarity and
certainty for nurses, and managers in how extra hours should be offered in the Procedural/Ambulatory
settings when nurses are needed to stay beyond the end of their scheduled shift. The below process is in
align with the Patient Demand Incentive MOU and Article 15, section 6.

Procedural-Clinic Closer Pay Algorithm  
OSUNO/OSUWMC Joint Scheduling Task Force: This statement is intended to provide clarity and certainty for nurses, and managers in how extra hours should be offered in the Procedural/Ambulatory settings when nurses are needed to stay beyond the end of their scheduled shift.OSUNO/OSUWMC Joint Scheduling Task Force: This statement is intended to provide clarity and certainty for nurses, and managers in how extra hours should be offered in the Procedural/Ambulatory settings when nurses are needed to stay beyond the end of their scheduled shift.

Guidelines on Floating Order
This document was created by the OSUNO/OSUWMC Joint Scheduling Task Force for to provide clarity for understanding the floating order when Travelers and Float Pool staff are both assigned to a unit.

Extra Hours Approval Process and Timeline
This infographic was jointly developed by OSUNO and OSU nursing leadership and approved by the ACNOs at Labor-Management in August 2022.  It describes the timeline and process for the posting and approval of extra hours including Schedule Build and In the Moment Incentive.  It applies to both UH and the James.

Schedule Rep Election Guidelines
New in the 2022-2025 contract! These guidelines are intended to provide clarity and certainty for scheduling representatives, nurses, and managers in how the election process for the scheduling representative should be handled.

Use of "Request Off" Guidelines

This document was created by the joint labor-management Scheduling Task Force and is intended to help nurses and scheduling representatives better understand how to use the term "x-request off" and "x-school" and how they interact with our contract.

Cancellation of Extra Hours on a Holiday
This sheet is intended to provide clarity and certainty for, nursing supervisors, nurses, and managers on how Extra Hours are to be cancelled on a Holiday.

Guidelines for Floating when Precepting
Nurses who are precepting shall not be floated when at all possible.

If you have questions about the Scheduling Task Force's work, please contact OSUNO Co-Chair Amy Pompeii at


The Charge Nurse Assignment Guide is intended to help avoid Charge Nurses having to take patients.

Click here for the Charge Nurse Assignment Guide.